Contributor: Madeline Dyer
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Time goes ever so slowly when you're on your own. When there're no clocks or radios. When you're trapped in perfect daylight forever. You don't even know whether time itself still exists. It, like so many other things, could've just been forgotten, lost, hidden away.
Pure white daylight. It's everywhere. Permanently haunting me. I run. It runs. I hide. It hides. It is me and I am it. Time is my only companion.
But time heals, right? That's one of the sayings that I remember... One of the sayings that's very much still alive within the pristine, clean abyss that is my world.
They say that with time I'll have forgotten what it was like to be human. They say that I'll be content with this: the life of a Time-Walker.
They lie. They all lie. I will lie.
It sounded exciting, at first. They told me all these tales of awe and bravery. They made it sound so good. I wanted to be a Time-Walker. I really did. I trusted them.
A few years of solitude... Dabbling in timelines... Protecting those you love... Sounds perfect, right?
Never trust a Time-Walker. It's the job no one wants. Being trapped here: the 'perfect' paradise. No one can harm you. No one can upset you. You're purely alone with your own thoughts. Torture, right?
And time goes ever so slowly when you're on your own. And your brain whirs; you come up with the most amazing ideas, inventions, stories. You feel the need to shout. You do. But no one hears. No one but time. Because time is always there. Time waits. Time remembers. Time laughs.
And, by the end of it, I'll be just like them. I'll get out of this prison, and I'll find another human. I'll tell her how wonderful it is to be a Time-Walker. I'll persuade her. I'll mind-trick her. Just like they did to me. Anything to get out of this job.
Anything to be cast away. Anything to escape time itself. Time is dangerous. Time sucks away your energy, leaving you old, wizened, worn out.
Everyone's a Time-Walker, and everyone thinks that their 'go' will be different. It never is. Not when humans are slaves to the world of time.
Not when time still exists. Not when time is forever watching you. Not when time consumes you.
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Madeline Dyer lives on a farm in Devon, England, and has a strong love for mythology and folklore; this in particular inspired her to start writing fantasy. She is currently working on her fourth young adult fantasy novel.
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Time goes ever so slowly when you're on your own. When there're no clocks or radios. When you're trapped in perfect daylight forever. You don't even know whether time itself still exists. It, like so many other things, could've just been forgotten, lost, hidden away.
Pure white daylight. It's everywhere. Permanently haunting me. I run. It runs. I hide. It hides. It is me and I am it. Time is my only companion.
But time heals, right? That's one of the sayings that I remember... One of the sayings that's very much still alive within the pristine, clean abyss that is my world.
They say that with time I'll have forgotten what it was like to be human. They say that I'll be content with this: the life of a Time-Walker.
They lie. They all lie. I will lie.
It sounded exciting, at first. They told me all these tales of awe and bravery. They made it sound so good. I wanted to be a Time-Walker. I really did. I trusted them.
A few years of solitude... Dabbling in timelines... Protecting those you love... Sounds perfect, right?
Never trust a Time-Walker. It's the job no one wants. Being trapped here: the 'perfect' paradise. No one can harm you. No one can upset you. You're purely alone with your own thoughts. Torture, right?
And time goes ever so slowly when you're on your own. And your brain whirs; you come up with the most amazing ideas, inventions, stories. You feel the need to shout. You do. But no one hears. No one but time. Because time is always there. Time waits. Time remembers. Time laughs.
And, by the end of it, I'll be just like them. I'll get out of this prison, and I'll find another human. I'll tell her how wonderful it is to be a Time-Walker. I'll persuade her. I'll mind-trick her. Just like they did to me. Anything to get out of this job.
Anything to be cast away. Anything to escape time itself. Time is dangerous. Time sucks away your energy, leaving you old, wizened, worn out.
Everyone's a Time-Walker, and everyone thinks that their 'go' will be different. It never is. Not when humans are slaves to the world of time.
Not when time still exists. Not when time is forever watching you. Not when time consumes you.
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Madeline Dyer lives on a farm in Devon, England, and has a strong love for mythology and folklore; this in particular inspired her to start writing fantasy. She is currently working on her fourth young adult fantasy novel.

Madeline Dyer