The Taste of Buzzard's Blend

Contributor: John Laneri - - Sheriff Matt Carson first noticed the bee when it flew from a prickly pear to the wooden casket containing the remains of the Honorable Theodore Busard, a man originally from Kentucky. At the time, the Sheriff was standing with a group of people at the cemetery, wiping sweat from his brow and reflecting on the final minutes of the Judge’s career, which so the story goes, ended with a smile during his last visit to Aunt Jillie’s Boarding House, the finest establishment along the cattle trail to Fort Worth. Curious, he followed the bee, watching it explore a handful of flowers as it worked its way from bloom to bloom, oblivious to the people at the graveside. Soon, he saw it dart to the preacher’s shoulder where it dawdled quietly close to the man's collar. The good Reverend casually flicked it away, his...
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