Tuesday Evening

Contributor: Mike Putnam

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We watched from our balcony as the hundreds of helicopters hovering over the lake suddenly began moving south. It took only minutes for them to be out of sight, along with the massive dome carried underneath. They were headed for what once had been Gary, Indiana, but in less than a year would be renamed New Chicago, Illinois.

Shelly had our floor plan brought up on the tablet and was decorating it using an application she had downloaded. At one point she had exclaimed, “Ohmigod you can walk around.”

I took a sip from the sweating bottle next to me, unable to believe something seemingly made of tough glass could withstand the effects of radiation and an indirect nuke impact. At the same time, it filtered air naturally through its walls. Science, I concluded.

“Wanna see our new apartment?”

“Won't I see the real one in six months?”

She looked up for the first time since the helicopters had disappeared. “Try again. Want to see our new apartment?”

“I would love to.”

She handed me the tablet and went to lean against the railing where she watched the lake as the sun continued its descent, hidden somewhere behind us. “Just tap around to walk, hold down and swivel to turn.”

“I appreciate that you've kept it all in the shopping cart.”

“Well it is a team decision.”

“Indeed it is, and you started out with an empty apartment?”

“I even picked the knocker on the door. Totally customizable.”

“Killer shower curtain, I can't believe you found it.”

“They had seven hundred and fifty to choose from, it was bound to be one of them.”

“I approve, bedroom looks really nic- wait. What? They let you pick out a sex room?”

“That was a quarter of the price tag. By the way, everything this company sells is American made: leathers, steel, plastics, everything.”

“Of course it is.”

“They've built their business on it, really popular with the military families.”

“Best factory job you could find, I'd say. Thank you, my love, that was a wonderful tour.”

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Mike Putnam is an American writer currently living in Cleveland, Ohio. He has previously been published in Linguistic Erosion and Daily Love and considers himself a curious spirit.
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