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Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Contributor: Gary Hewitt

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George swore his arms had grown another two inches. He glanced at rows of copious corn before wiping away layers of sweat.
“We have to get this finished by dusk.”
George resisted the urge to retaliate. He tilted his straw hat and hacked.
“Michael, what time are we finishing?”
“We stop when everything has been done.”
“When are we going to have something to eat and drink?”
The foreman shook his head.
“Get back to work.”
Michael spat into the dust.
George took heart when they reached the edge of the field. He salivated for beef and tomato. He hated the taste corn.
“Why are you slowing down?”
“I’m exhausted.”
“You’ve no time to get exhausted. Get busy.”
George shook his head.
“I’ve had enough. I’ve been at this since six with no break and you tell me to hurry up.”
“Oh you’ve done it now. Just you wait until we get back to the big house.”
George’s knuckles whitened. His scythe cut down more than corn. He wiped his brow, sat down and took a rest.

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Gary Hewitt is a writer who tends to enjoy the dark side of fiction. He has had several stories/poems published including sites such as Morpheus Tales and Linguistic Erosion.

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